Post Updated :16-02-2018 HTML Frames is used to display more than one file. It is used to divides the browser window into different parts or sections i.e. row-wise or column-wise or row and column-wise . Each section can display HTML files.To create a frame two tags are used they are <frameset> and <frame> tag. Attributes of <frameset> tag 1. Cols=value is % or pixels 2. Rows= values in % or pixels Attributes of <frame> tag 1. Src= "path" 2. Name="name of the frame" 3. Border= value in pixels 4. Noresize 5. Scrolling="true" or "false" 6. Marginwidth=value in % or pixels 7. Marginheight=value in % or pixels If I want to divide the browser into two columns. The following example will be used to divide the window into 2 section. In the example given below we are using to divide the browser into equal sections i.e. 50% each. HTML Frames Example with Output Simple example of two- framed page ...