List Today we are going to talk about the List. Question arises what is List ? A list is a collection of items. There are five types of list in HTML They are defined below Ordered List Unordered List Directory List Definition List Menu List Ordered List If you want to display items in a numbered list like 1,2,3,... or A,B,C... or i,ii,iii.... or I,II,III... or a,b,c....... Ordered List starts with the <ol> tag and ends with the </ol> tag. Each item starts with the <LI> tag. It is also called the Numbered List. Tags of Ordered List <ol></ol> <li></li> Attributes of Ordered List Attributes Value Description Type “1” or “I” or “I” or “a” or ”A” It specifies type of numbering's. By default the numbering Start Value To specify the starting point of the numbering. Example <html> <head> ...