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How to create HTML Forms - II

How to create HTML Form -  II

In this tutorial, we will learn about  How to create HTML FormSo far we have discussed how to create a frametablesList, insert ImagesLinking in HTML etc. HTML Form is one of the most important  part of the websites  Every website has Contact forms or feedback forms.. Filling the Digital forms  saves time, cost of printing, and  paperwork.

Submit Button

Submit button It is used for submitting the form data to the server page.

how to create form - submit
How to create form - Submit button
Output is:
How to create form- Submit
How to create form- Sumit Button


<select></select>  It is used to create Popup menu and a List.<option></option> is used to define the option in the drop-down menu  or the list.

Attributes of <select></select>

  1. Name = name - Name of the drop down menu or  list
  2. Size= value - To specify the number of visible  values.
  3. Selected - To define Pre-selected item.
  4. Multiple  - Allows to select more than one item
           A. To create drop down list 


how to create form-select
How to create form-Popup menu

Output is:

How to create a form - Popup menu

B. To create the list.


How to create a form - List
How to create a form - List

Ouput is:
how to create form - List
How to create form - List


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