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Table in HTML

Table is used to store data in the form of rows and columns.<Table> </Table > tag is used for creating the table.  Tags used for creating  the table  is as follows


It defines the table row.
It defines the table heading.
It defines the table data.
It defines the caption of the table.

Attributes of the <table></table> tag.

Color name
Changes the background color of the table.
Path of the image
Applies the image as the background.
Value (eg. 1,2,10)
It is used to apply the border thickness of the table.
Color name
It changes the color of the table border.
Value in percentage or pixels
 It is used to change the width of the table according to the value specified.
Value in percentage or in pixels.
It is used to change the height of the table according to the value specified.
Left or right or center
It applies the alignment on the table.  By default the alignment of the table is left.
Value in pixels
It is used for applying the space between the cells
Value in pixels
It is used for applying the spacing between the cell Text and the cell border.

<tr></tr> tag is used to define the table row. the attributes of the table tag is as follows

Attributes of the <tr></tr> tag.
Color name
To change the color of the row.

Attributes of the <th></th> tag.

Color name
To change the color of the row.
To display the picture on the background.
To apply row spanning.
To apply column spanning.

Attributes of the <td> </td> tag.

Color name
To change the color of the row.
To display the picture on the background.
To apply row spanning.
To apply column spanning.

Now, let us create a table without the border tag as given below.

table without borders
<th>Roll no.</th>

Output of the above example is given below

In the above example we have seen the table without borders. Now I want to create the table with the border,  then the question arises how to create it?  the answer to the question  is,  it can be created with the border attribute of the table tag. The following example  will show as how to use the same.

table without borders
<table border>
<th>Roll no.</th>

Output of the above example is

If we want to increase the thickness of the border. The following example will show you how to increase the thickness of the table border.

table with boder thickness
<table border = 10 px>
<th> Name</th>
<th> Roll No.</th>
<th> Marks</th>
<td> 1</td>

Output of the above example is 

Now, if we want to apply border color and the alignment of the table then the border color and the alignment attributes is used.

table with tags
<table border=10 bordercolor="red" align="center">
<th>Phone No.</th>
<td>Anu </td>

Output of the above example is 

Table Tag with the Rowspan and Colspan

Rowspan and Colspan attribute of the <table> tag,  is used for spanning the row and the column across the table.

table tag
<table border>          
<th rowspan=2>Name</th>
<th colspan=2>Timings</th>
<th rowspan=2>Sign</th>

Output is 

Table tag with CellSpacing and CellPadding

The CellSpacing attribute of the <table> tag is used for applying spacing between the cell border and the table border in pixels. The example given below explains about it.


cellspacing and cellpadding
<table border cellspacing="20 px">
<th>phone No.</th>
<td>Lane 2, Panipat</td>

The Output of the above example is as follows

Table with CellPadding

The CellPadding attribute of the table tag, is used to apply spacing between the content of the cell and the cell borders in pixels.

Example of the table tag with the cellpadding attribute is given below

table with cellpadding
<table border cellpadding=20>
<th>Phone No.</th>
<td>Lane 2, Panipat</td>

Output of the above example is given below



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